miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

4 Fun Things to do at the Beach

1. Write messages in the sand You can write them big or small, say anything that you want and then take a picture that will last forever. These pictures can be made into unique postcards to send to the folks back home.

2. Picnic Take your food to the beach and enjoy eating it there. Try to get some fruits, sandwiches, and sodas; it will be refreshing to eat watching the waves.

3. Frisbee this is a classic beach game and it is one that people never get tired of enjoying together. There are more advanced versions like Frisbee golf, extreme Frisbee and Aerobic but the old version will do just fine.

4. Bonfire parties Where fires are allowed on the beach, it's great to hold huge parties where people come to play music, dance, roast marshmallows and just have a great time


miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

8 Fun Facts about Belize

1. Belize is one of the best places for shark viewing and some of the best times to go are during the raining season of April-July

2. The average temperature for the coastal areas of Belize is between 79 to 89 degrees F.

3. Belize is one of the richest Mayan history locations with over 900 historic locations.

4. Belize has such a dense population it is one of the most populous in the world for its size

5. Belize has the only known jaguar preserve in the world it is located in the cockscomb Wildlife sanctuary.

6. Belize is roughly only 180 miles long and 68 miles wide at its main land.

7. Belize has such a dense population; it is one of the most populous in the world for its size.

8. Belize has the most differentiated species of birds in Latin America over 500 locally.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Traditional food of Belize

Armadillo, Vension Paca, and rice and bean are the traditional dishes of Belize. But rice and beans is the most consumed by Belizeans. As traditional dishes we can also mention Maya and Spanish ones. People use to eat rice and beans with fish, chicken, pork, beef or vegetables. This traditional dish was invented by the Creoles, one of the largest ethnic groups of Belize. In addition, corn is one of the most used ingredients in Belize, besides people also use pepper, black beans, tortilla, and plantains as key ingredients.

Some of the traditional dishes of Belize widely enjoyed by the Belizeans are:

· Negro

· Relleno

· Tacos

· Chimole

· Tamales

· Escabeche

Concluding, Belizean traditional food is mostly contributed by the ethnic groups of Belize, who inhabited or was deported to the country. The food delicacies are as diverse as the ethnic groups and the food represent their identity and Belize culture.

Whenever you decide to visit Belize and discover to try these delicious dishes, do not hesitate on visiting The Sunbreeze Suites we will be happy to serve you. Become our fan http://www.facebook.com/sunbreezesuites

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Traveling Tips: Make a Travel Journal

Pictures may not be enough to describe all the amazing things you live on a trip. That is why we recommend you to take a notebook, pens, pencils, glue, and everything you need in order to write and express in the best way possible, how perfect your trip was. Be sure that wherever you travel, you got to have your journal with you, use your senses, observe, let local people make entries on it, get a simple camera that works, remember details, and keep little things that can be pasted on the pages of your journal and that may have a special meaning for you. It is important that during your trip you take time to write, it should sound bored or unnecessary but it is a good idea because you will have fresh details and you’ll be able to describe them better. You can also take brochures or information about the place you are visiting, writing will be more inspired and substantial that way. We are sure that when you get back home, you are going to be really amazed of what you wrote, and of course, you will be proud of showing your travel journal to you family and friends. The journal will be a memory that will last forever. Everyone at Sunbreeze Suites would love form part of your travel journal. Visit us!