miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

8 Fun Facts about Belize

1. Belize is one of the best places for shark viewing and some of the best times to go are during the raining season of April-July

2. The average temperature for the coastal areas of Belize is between 79 to 89 degrees F.

3. Belize is one of the richest Mayan history locations with over 900 historic locations.

4. Belize has such a dense population it is one of the most populous in the world for its size

5. Belize has the only known jaguar preserve in the world it is located in the cockscomb Wildlife sanctuary.

6. Belize is roughly only 180 miles long and 68 miles wide at its main land.

7. Belize has such a dense population; it is one of the most populous in the world for its size.

8. Belize has the most differentiated species of birds in Latin America over 500 locally.

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