jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Our Dear Sun

They used to call you Aten
You golden yellow sphere
You reign supreme above our heads
Your power we must fear.

Your distance from our little earth
Is said to be just right
Not too distant or to near
For just enough heat and light.

You control the rate of flow
Of surface energy
Wind and clouds and rain and snow
And currents out at sea.

You also exert your control
On the way we work and play
From icy roads to beachfront camps
Or the sailboat in the bay.

Some of us are overcome
By the power of your rays
Exposed cells are baked and burnt
On those lovely sunny days.

My dear majestic Aten...
We'll always need your energy
To sustain our biosphere
So rise up! EVERY MORNING, star!
We're so glad you're still up there.

By Peter Elias

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